Thursday, May 19, 2011

1930's Kitchen Utensil Orchestra

Food is an important link to any culture. So far, our dialogue about food in the 1930's in this class has been restricted to the lack there of, the controversial production methods and subsequent environmental disasters(the dust bowl), and frozen foods. Surely at this time in American there are extreme diversities in kitchen types and food preparation as there has been and continues to be a huge flux of immigrants into the US. I am going to share this awesome video I found that I believe genuinely represents the extent of what use most of the cookware got in the 1930's.

Eleanor Berton


  1. I know this doesn't count as a comment with substantive content, but oh my goodness! this is amazing!

  2. This is so amazing! I always love to see people making music out of less conventional instruments. I don't even know what else to say. So great.
