Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Ma Rainey
Ma Rainey was not the first blues singer, however, she should have been. She was involved in an era which women were the marquee names in the genre of blues. She earned her name "The Mother of Blues", because she had been singing the blues for over 20 years before she recorded her debut record. She also shared a repertoire of minstrel and pop songs, however had a grittier/tougher vocal delivery than most cabaret singers of blues.
Bessie Smith
Bessie Smith
Bessie Smith/ Louis Armstrong/ Cab Calloway
Fats Waller & Bessie Smith
Please Help Me Get Him off My Mind
Thems Graveyard Works
She also appeared on a vast amount of compilations, and influenced decades of blues singers after her.
Alan Lomax
One of the most innovative and prominent figures in music throughout the 1930s was Alan Lomax. He was an ethnomusicologist and folklorist. Lomax recorded thousands of field recordings, with a focus of prisoners and the black community. Not only this, but he was a pioneering oral historian, he recorded detrimental interviews with memorable folk musicians.
Walt Disney and Adolf Hitler
Found this to be quite interesting. I've heard a plethora of rumors regarding the relationship between Walt Disney and Hitler. The rumors have varied, I've heard that he was an avid supporter of Hitler, and they shared a friendship. I've also heard that Hitler funded the building/expansion of Disneyland. I'm not sure if these rumors are true at all, but it is interesting to think about.
Thomas Hart Benton
I found this short compilation video of Thomas Hart Benton's paintings. He was the enemy of modernism, and the inventor of regionalism. Always focusing on American values and often times hard labor, Benton rose to prominence as one of the leading painters during the WPA.
Thursday, June 2, 2011
the mad butcher of kingsbury run
It began in the fall on 1934 when a woman's torso with the legs severed at the knees was found washed up on the shore of Lake Erie. The body went unidentified and the incident was quickly forgotten.
Then the bodies of two decapitated, emasculated males were found in 1935 along the Kingsbury Run--a weedy ravine along the east side of Cleveland. The murders were dismissed as passion crimes when one of the bodies was identified as Edward Andrassy, a young man familiar to the police who had been having an affair with a married woman (her husband had threatened Edward's life).
In 1936 in January, the remnants of a 41 year-old prostitute were found behind a butcher shop. In May of that same year a decapitated head was found along Kingsbury Run. A few days later they found a body to match. Though it was heavily tattooed, police were still unable to ID it. At the end of July another headless body was found, this time across town from the Kingsbury Run. A few months later a homeless spotted the torso of a male while waiting for a train.
Over a period of two years, twelve more bodies were found. Despite money incentives in the papers and hundreds of suspect interviews, no one was ever charged with the murders. The remains of the final two victims were found in August of 1938 and after that, the butcher seemed to have disappeared.
There are a few theories as to the identity of the killer. Some suspect that it was a local doctor named Frank Sweeney. Later, an immigrant named Frank Dolezal confessed to the crimes, but recanted, claiming the police beat him to confession. Another theory is that the butcher moved to Los Angeles. And finally that it was a mentally unstable premed student who was from a wealthy Cleveland family.
portland 1930s
Also, I found out that in 1934 nearly 1400 members of the International Longshoremen's Association participated in something called the west coast waterfront strike. Their demands included:
- acknowledgment of the union
- wages increased from $.85/hr to $1.00/hr
- 6 hr workday
- 30 hr workweek
- a closed shop with the union in control of hiring
Here's a picture from the blog of SW Broadway in 1935.
Bonnie & Clyde

Naming the childrenz
My grandpa has nine brothers who were all born from in the 20s-30s time range. They all had names that were beautifully uncomplicated and lovely such as Phil, Marty, Fred, Bob, Bill, Ernie, Ralph, John (plus 2 more I can't remember).
From the website listed below, I found the 5 most popular names in the 1930s.
In ranking order, for males: Robert, James, John, William, Richard.
In ranking order, for females: Mary, Betty, Barbara, Shirley, Patricia
For me (and to see if your name made the list):
Driving in the '30s
By 1935 there were 39 states that issued licenses and fewer than that actually tested applicants. Prior to the 1930s most people learned how to drive from car salesmen, family, and friends. Soon, drivers ed was offered as part of the curriculum in high schools.
I found this pretty amusing video on the Voice of Safety:
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
The expectations for the film were low. Disney's wife told him "No one's ever gonna pay a dime to see a dwarf picture." In fact, it was not a flop--it went on to make four times more money than any other film released that year.
Brave New World
A Century of Progress International Exposition
The world's fair held in Chicago, Illinois during 1933 and 1934 was called A Century of Progress to celebrate the advances of science and technology from 1833-1933. Over 48,000,000 visitors came to see the Rainbow City that hosted performances by Sally Rand among others, baseball games, and a Homes of Tomorrow exhibition that featured homes modern home construction and convenience materials and techniques.
1938's Dating Guide for Women


Billie Holiday

Keynesian Economics

John Maynard Keynes was a British economist born in 1983. He spearheaded a revolution in the study and practice of macroeconomics that had a great effect on the 1930's and the recovery from the great depression. He came up with several ways of counterbalancing the natural boom and bust cycles of economies and advocated measures to reduce unemployment.
Ansel Adams

Zoot suits
Golden Gate Bridge

Women in Sports
Crime of the Century
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Cheap steak, cheap gas....why not?
![]() | Population: 123,188,000 in 48 states |
![]() | Life Expectancy: Male, 58.1; Female, 61.6 |
![]() | Average salary: $1,368 |
![]() | Unemployment rises to 25% |
![]() | Huey Long proposes a guaranteed annual income of $2,500 |
![]() | Car Sales: 2,787,400 |
![]() | Food Prices: Milk, 14 cents a qt.; Bread, 9 cents a loaf; Round Steak, 42 cents a pound Gas: .10-.17 cents a gallon What really stands out from this list is the price of gas. A gallon of gas was between .10 to .17 cents in the thirties. Nowadays the average price of gas is around $3.90. It seems like .10 cents for a gallon of gas is nothing! The price of gas back then was reasonable for the time period. If gas has risen from .10 cents in the thirties and $3.90 currently, it makes you wonder where it's going next. |
An Interesting Character
Marx Brothers

The Marx Brothers were a group of brothers with very funny names: Zeppo, Chico, Groucho, Gummo, and Harpo. With no hopes of employment with names such as those, they had no choice but to enter comedy.* The boys had a German mother and a French father and lived in New York. From 1929 to 1949, they made 13 films. The brothers did stage shows, movies, television shows, radio, and vaudeville.
"Humor is reason gone mad." --Groucho Marx (arguably the most well-known of the brothers).
The Marx Brothers were an extremely popular comedy team. In the 1930s alone, they were in a slew of famous films such as:
Animal Crackers (1930)
Duck Soup (1933)
Monkey Business (1931)
Horse Feathers (1932)
A Night At the Opera (1935)
A Day at the Races (1937)
Prior to reading about the Marx brothers, I always associated them with Marxism (the economic and socio-political worldview) and thought Groucho Marx was some often quoted but invisible cousin of Karl Marx. Clearly, this is not the case.
*This is not a fact.
"I, Too, Sing America" By Langston Hughes
I, too, sing America.
I am the darker brother.
They send me to eat in the kitchen
When company comes,
But I laugh,
And eat well,
And grow strong.
Tomorrow, I'll be at the table
When company comes.
Nobody'll dare
Say to me,
"Eat in the kitchen,"
They'll see how beautiful I am
And be ashamed--
I, too, am America.
This poem written by Langston Hughes was penned in 1925,
so it was a bit before the thirties but remains relevant even to this day.
This is one of my favorite poems and it is about civil rights.
Although the other inhabitants of the house are ashamed of the darker brother
and send him to eat where he will be unseen by others,
he still remains optimistic about a better tomorrow.
Every person, regardless of race or appearance or anything as superficial as that, is America.
I see the people of the house as representative of this country in that time period and
company is representative of the self we (being the United States) choose to present to
the outside world.
(I keep struggling with formatting and my block of text kept ending up as one very long line of text. The only way I found to separate
text was to do this weird spacing. Sorry!)
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
The Top 5 Heavyweights of the 1930s
1. Joe Louis:"The Brown Bomber" Joe Louis is the natural choice to head a list of 1930s heavyweights. Louis was not just the dominant champ of the 1930s - if you consider how infrequently past champs fought, he was the first truly dominant and busy heavyweight champion period. He consistently comes in as either the #1 or #2 heavyweight of all time.
2. Max Baer:Baer stands as the great underachieving clown prince of heavyweight boxing. He possessed brilliant talent - Jack Dempsey himself thought so - and we saw a glimpse of what Baer could have after he pulled himself back together from the Frankie Campbell tragedy. Under the tutelage of Dempsey, he beat Paulino Uzcudun and Tuffy Griffiths, and stopped both Max Schmeling and Primo Carnera
3. Max Schmeling: It is interesting to think about would have happened if Schmeling had not been fleeced in the stinky, rigged decision in his rematch with Jack Sharkey. That was the bout that prompted Schmeling's manager to famously declare "we wuz robbed!" Despite what the record books say, Max "The Black Uhlan" Schmeling beat Sharkey twice, and it is likely he could have beaten off a challenge from Primo Carnera too.
4. Primo Carnera: Primo Carnera is best known for his connection to the mafia, and it is frequently alleged that he owes all his wins to criminal machinations. While some of his fights were perhaps rightly tainted by allegations of corruption, obviously not all of them were. To even claim the world title in the first place, he had to knock out Jack Sharkey.
5. Jim Braddock: The number 5 slot was comes down to a contest between "The Bulldog of Bergen" Braddock and Jack Sharkey. That Braddock is here actually says more about Sharkey's lack of top qualifications than it does about Braddock's own accomplishments. Contrary to what the film The Cinderella Man would have the world believe, the only true contender he met on his way to challenge Max Baer was John Henry Lewis.
Cited Work
http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/1060843/the_top_5_heavyweights_of_the_1930s.html?cat=37. 5/31/2011
Pluto, I still think you're a planet.
Interesting side note, Walt Disney released Mickey's dog, Pluto, that year to commemorate the planet. Today Pluto is officially recognized as a dwarf planet, or an outer planet in the Kuiper Belt. It is recognized as having not enough mass to qualify as being a full Jovian planet. I still think you're planet Pluto.
Holy 1939 Batman!
But to be serious for a moment, in 1939 Bob Kane created the Batman, alter identity Bruce Wayne. Bruce's name came from Robert Bruce, the Scottish patriot. Batman's visual design and character history were inspired by the contemporary popular culture of the 1930s. Kane said that a majority of the influence for the character came from The Mask of Zorro (1920) and The Bat Whispers (1930). The reason Batman is better than Holmes is because he is indeed one third Holmes. The Identities that came together to create the perfect sleuth were: one part Doc Savage, mixed with The Shadow, add in some Holmes for flavor, shake in family trauma and viola! Batman.
Interesting side notes, the early Batman was a remorseless monster compared to the brooding and angsty Batman we know today. He held little regard for criminal life and usually beat them within an inch of their lives, often times killing them in the process. However this was apparently the style of the pulp comics at the time. The introduction of the invaluable utility belt came about two comics after the origin of Batman.
1930s Slang
Abercrombie A know-it-all
Abyssinia I'll be seeing you
Aces, snazzy, hot, nobby, smooth, sweet, swell, keen, cool Very good
All the way Chocolate cake or fudge with ice cream
All wet No good
Ameche, horn, blower Telephone
Apple Any big town or city
Babe, broad, dame, doll, frail, twist, muffin, kitten Woman
Baby Glass of milk
Bean shooter, gat, rod, roscoe, heater, convincer Gun
Beat Broke
Behind the grind Behind in one's studies
Big house, hoosegow Prison
Bleed to extort or blackmail
Blinkers, lamps, pies, shutters, peepers Eyes
Blow your wig Become very excited
Booze, hooch, giggle juice, mule Whiskey
Brodie A mistake
Brunos, goons, hatchetmen, torpedoes, trigger men Hired gunmen and other tough guys
Bulge Having the advantage
Bumping gums, booshwash Talk about nothing useful
Butter and egg fly, hot mama, sweet mama, sweet patootie, dish, looker, tomato An attractive woman
Butter and egg man The money man, the man with the bankroll
Buzzer Police badge
Cabbage, lettuce, kale, folding green, long green. color of money
Cadillac One ounce packet of cocaine or heroin
Canary A female vocalist
Cats or alligators Fans of swing music
Cave One's house or apartment
Check or checker A dollar
Chicago overcoat Coffin
Chicago typewriter, chopper, gat "Tommy Gun", Thompson Submachine Gun
Chisel Swindle, cheat, work an angle
Cinder dick Railroad detective
City juice, dog soup Glass of water
Clam-bake Wild swing
Clip joint Night club or gambling joint where patrons get flimflammed
Copper Policeman
Crumb A fink, a loser by social standards
Crust To insult
Curve Disappointment
Cute as a bug's ear Very cute
Dead hoofer or cement mixer Bad dancer
Dick, shamus, gumshoe, flatfoot Detective
Dig Think hard or understand
Dil-ya-ble A phone call
Dingy Silly
Dizzy with a dame Very much in love with a woman, sometimes at great risk to themselves, especially if she's someone else's moll
Dog house String bass
Doggy Well dressed but in a self conscious way
Dollface Name for a woman when a man is pleading his case or apologizing
Doss Sleep
Drilling, plugging, throwing lead, filling someone with daylight, giving someone lead poisoning Shooting a gun (at someone)
Drumsticks, pins, pillars, stems, uprights, get away sticks, gams Legs
Dukes, paws, grabbers, meat hooks hands
Those are common words up through the "Ds" to give you a little taste of what people were saying. To see the whole list check the site out here http://www.paper-dragon.com/1939/slang.html
30's Cartoons
<iframe width="425" height="349" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/qToUtpEikK8" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
a list of 5 important differences between this video and what i've observed with modern animation
1) more emphasis on soundtrack. The music is what makes this piece.
2) different social norms, one of the cartoons is smoking at one point
3) Less edgy: While there are things that aren't acceptable, it tends to go with archetypes that are popular and predictable. While it does predictable things in an awesome and witty and self aware way, they are still predictable.
4) Black and white: it's obvious, but worth noting
5) Woman. The two that are shown both show... very cleche archetypes of femininity. One is the girl who gets stolen by the villain and the other is one who uses her body to get access to the studio. The princess and the frog by contrast (a modern cartoon movie) has a developed hard working career oriented woman (who happens to become a princess.)
Times sure have changed :D
Monday, May 30, 2011
Ben Shahn

Ben Shahn was born in Kaunus, Lithuania in 1898. He emigrated to the United States in 1906 with his family. He became a lithographer’s apprentice after he finished his schooling. He later returned to school for art and design training. In the 1920s he became part of the social realism movement. This term is used to describe the works of American artists during the Depression era that devoted their talents to depicting the social problems of the suffering lower classes like urban decay, labor strikes, and poverty.
I think his most striking works are his street photography all taken between 1932 and 1935. They helped define urban life in the 1930s through the prosaic daily activities of ordinary people. He used a handheld 35 mm, Leica camera, and photographed everyday life in Manhattan. The images illustrate unemployment, poverty and protest. Shahn’s photographs also inspired most of the work he is more widely known for: socially conscious paintings and graphic works, as well as public mural projects that promoted social reform programs of the time.
1930 surrealism movement

Golden age
The Persistence of Memory (1931) by Salvador Dalí.Throughout the 1930s, Surrealism continued to become more visible to the public at large. A Surrealist group developed in Britain and, according to Breton, their 1936 London International Surrealist Exhibition was a high water mark of the period and became the model for international exhibitions.
Dalí and Magritte created the most widely recognized images of the movement. Dalí joined the group in 1929, and participated in the rapid establishment of the visual style between 1930 and 1935.
Surrealism as a visual movement had found a method: to expose psychological truth by stripping ordinary objects of their normal significance, in order to create a compelling image that was beyond ordinary formal organization, in order to evoke empathy from the viewer.
The characteristics of this style—a combination of the depictive, the abstract, and the psychological—came to stand for the alienation which many people felt in the modern period, combined with the sense of reaching more deeply into the psyche, to be "made whole with one's individuality".

Django, born to gypsy parents, had never learned to read of write. At twelve he discovered his love and talent for music. Just a year later he was playing and recording music with other artists. In 1928 tragedy struck and Django's life would never be the same. The 18 year old was caught in a caravan fire that severely burnt his left hand and right lower body. He was bedridden for 18 months. During this time he did what seemed like impossible; he created a entirely new finger picking technique. Only two fingers had full mobility on his left hand, this means he did all soloing with just his index and middle fingers!
Masters of Horror: Karloff Edition.
Karloff's activities in his free time are quite surprising. In contrast to the monsters and sinister personae he played in films, he later dressed up as a Santa and gave presents to disabled children in hospitals on Christmas. He also received two stars on the Hollywood walk of fame. Other interesting side notes, he had a friendly rivalry with other horror great Bela Lugosi. While they never became close friends, they still created some of their best works together. Karloff's most known non horror role was as the narrator in Dr. Seuss's how the Grinch Stole Christmas.
Aaron Copland

Aaron Copland was born on November 14, 1900 in Brooklyn as the youngest of five children. His sisters taught him how to play the piano when he was eleven years old. As a young man he went to France to study at the American Conservatory in Fontainebleau, where he studies with Nadia Boulanger. He was inspired by Schoenberg, Bartok, Ravel, and Stravinsky. In 1924 he completed his studies and returned to the U.S.
The 1920s and 1930s were a period of deep concern for Copland. He worried about the limited audience for new, and especially American music. He was active in many organizations devoted to performance and sponsorship of new music. These included, the Copland-Sessions concerts, the American Composers’ Alliance, and the League of Composers. His fellow composer Virgil Thomson nicknamed him “American music’s natural president.”
Beginning in the mid 1930s Copland made a serious effort to widen the audience for American music. He took steps by changing his style when writing pieces for different occasions. He composed for theater, ballet, and films as well as more traditional concert settings. In his ballet “Billy the Kid” (1938) he uses folk melodies to be broadly recognized as “American.”
Copland’s concern for establishing a tradition of music in American life only increased throughout his life. He taught at Harvard and published several books. He died in 1990. He has been remembered as a man who encouraged composers to find their own voice, no matter the style, just as he did for sixty years.
John Cage (1912-1992)

In the 1930s he was considered a leader in avant-garde music. He mostly composed pieces for percussion groups and for what was called “prepared piano.” A prepared piano is a piano with various objects inserted between the strings for percussive effects (click on the link to watch someone prepare a piano, it’s insane!). He used erasers, washers, screws, and whatever he had on hand.
He is known for pushing the boundaries of music and always referred to his career as “an exploration of non-intention.” Schoenberg hated all of his students and never said anything about any of them except for Cage. “John Cage is not a composer, but an inventor of genius.”

In the 1930's, particularly in the South, it was common place to punish criminals by placing them on chain gangs. As one can imagine, this involved manual labor, such as building roads, while the prisoners were chained to one another by the ankle. This practice was often accompanied by the "sweat box" a form a punishing an uncooperative inmate by placing him in a wooden, coffin-like box in the hot sun. In the thirties, this form of punishment was to be addressed in two major films, the drama I Am A Fugitive From a Chain Gang (1932), and the screwball comedy Sullivan's Travels (1941-not technically released in the 30's, but reflective of the decade).
I Am a Fugitive...was a particularly controversial film, as the state of Georgia sued Warner Brother's in an attempt to stop the film from being released. The film is based on the true story of a man wrongly accused and placed on a chain gang in Georgia. The man in question was actually still a fugitive, and served as a consultant on the film. The film is an scathing critique on an unfair judicial system, and established the studio as one of the most socially conscious of Hollywood.
Sullivan's Travels, a post-code, post-decade screwball comedy released by Paramount, can be seen to function as a kind of anti-Fugitive, in that it addresses the problem of life on the Chain Gang, but manages, as comedies often do, to reconcile itself to the prevailing ideology.
Art Deco

Art Deco was one of the most popular architectural styles of the 1930's, perhaps most famously and recognizably embodied by the Chrysler building in New York City, built over the years of 1928-1930. Other famous Art Deco style buildings are of course the Empire State Building and Rockefeller Center, both in New York. New York is not the only place where one can find great examples of Art Deco architecture, the Fisher Building of Detroit and the Kansas City Power and Light Building are both fine examples. However, perhaps one of the most beautiful and accessible places in America where one can find Art Deco style homes is the Art Deco district of Miami Beach.
As many of these landmarks were built, or in the process of being built, just before and after the crash of '29, one can see the spirit of American Exceptionalism embodied in such buildings as the Empire State Building, along with the other skyscrapers that were a testament to American ingenuity and muscle. It is an interesting coincidence that Ayn Rand's architecturally-themed book The Fountainhead (1943) began incubating within the author's mind around the same time, when Cecil B. DeMille commissioned her to write a script tentatively called Skyscraper.
Sunday, May 29, 2011
To The Paleofuture... And Beyond

I Just Can't Stop With The King Kong Talk

Wednesday, May 25, 2011
surrealism movement

Golden age
The Persistence of Memory (1931) by Salvador Dalí.Throughout the 1930s, Surrealism continued to become more visible to the public at large. A Surrealist group developed in Britain and, according to Breton, their 1936 London International Surrealist Exhibition was a high water mark of the period and became the model for international exhibitions.
Dalí and Magritte created the most widely recognized images of the movement. Dalí joined the group in 1929, and participated in the rapid establishment of the visual style between 1930 and 1935.
Surrealism as a visual movement had found a method: to expose psychological truth by stripping ordinary objects of their normal significance, in order to create a compelling image that was beyond ordinary formal organization, in order to evoke empathy from the viewer.
1931 was a year when several Surrealist painters produced works which marked turning points in their stylistic evolution: Magritte's Voice of Space (La Voix des airs)[23] is an example of this process, where three large spheres representing bells hang above a landscape. Another Surrealist landscape from this same year is Yves Tanguy's Promontory Palace (Palais promontoire), with its molten forms and liquid shapes. Liquid shapes became the trademark of Dalí, particularly in his The Persistence of Memory, which features the image of watches that sag as if they are melting.
The characteristics of this style—a combination of the depictive, the abstract, and the psychological—came to stand for the alienation which many people felt in the modern period, combined with the sense of reaching more deeply into the psyche, to be "made whole with one's individuality".
Between 1930 and 1933, the Surrealist Group in Paris issued the periodical Le Surrealisme au service de la revolution as the successor of La Révolution surréaliste.
From 1936 through 1938 Wolfgang Paalen, Gordon Onslow Ford, and Roberto Matta joined the group. Paalen contributed Fumage and Onslow Ford Coulage as new pictorial automatic techniques.
Long after personal, political and professional tensions fragmented the Surrealist group, Magritte and Dalí continued to define a visual program in the arts. This program reached beyond painting, to encompass photography as well, as can be seen from a Man Ray self portrait, whose use of assemblage influenced Robert Rauschenberg's collage boxes.
L'Ange du Foyer ou le Triomphe du Surréalisme (1937) by Max Ernst.During the 1930s Peggy Guggenheim, an important American art collector, married Max Ernst and began promoting work by other Surrealists such as Yves Tanguy and the British artist John Tunnard.
Major exhibitions in the 1930s
1936 - London International Surrealist Exhibition is organised in London by the art historian Herbert Read, with an introduction by André Breton.
1936 - Museum of Modern Art in New York shows the exhibition Fantastic Art, Dada and Surrealism.
1938 - A new International Surrealist Exhibition was held at the Beaux-arts Gallery, Paris, with more than 60 artists from different countries, and showed around 300 paintings, objects, collages, photographs and installations. The Surrealists wanted to create an exhibition which in itself would be a creative act and called on Marcel Duchamp to do so. At the exhibition's entrance he placed Salvador Dalí's Rainy Taxi[dead link] (an old taxi rigged to produce a steady drizzle of water down the inside of the windows, and a shark-headed creature in the driver's seat and a blond mannequin crawling with live snails in the back) greeted the patrons who were in full evening dress. Surrealist Street filled one side of the lobby with mannequins dressed by various Surrealists. He designed the main hall to seem like subterranean cave with 1,200 coal bags suspended from the ceiling over a coal brazier with a single light bulb which provided the only lighting,[24] so patrons were given flashlights with which to view the art. The floor was carpeted with dead leaves, ferns and grasses and the aroma of roasting coffee filled the air. Much to the Surrealists' satisfaction the exhibition scandalized the viewers.[6]